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Lined Up Books

Research Papers

Date The Artist: A Virtual Date With A Virtual Character 

​Date the Artist is a video-based interactive website that presents people with the opportunity to date a virtual character (VC). Each webpage represents a stage of the relationship. In each page, the user has 2 to 3 choices leading to different videos. By the end, all the videos lead to the same final video representing the end of the relationship. The goal of this paper is to explain the design process, the main metaphor behind the project, as well as highlighting the overall user experience.

The Use of close-ups in “Persona”,and the constructive use of Voyeurism in Ingmar Bergman’sCinema.

Ingmar Bergman enriched avant-garde cinema in many ways, with his iconic visual storytelling. He knew how to contrast shadows and light, construct symmetrical compositions using faces mostly, and he knew how and when to break the fourth wall... But what I find most interesting about his films, is the use of close-ups, Bergmancamera is not only a medium to capture the action, but also a reflection of the actors, a window from which they can speak to the audience and whisper their most intimate secretsor defy the viewer to the extent that he/she might feel uncomfortable

The narration as an interactive element in the Stanley Parable video game and the invisible body.

First thing that caught my attention whileplaying the Stanley parable VideoGame, was the narrator interaction with the player. Narration is a recurrent element in cinema, theatre and recentlyin video games as well. In the StanleyParable the narrator says accurate comments based on the user’s choice, the mapping of the avatar movement, interaction based on visual objectsin the video game (Moving props, pressing buttons, etc..). I personally think that the power of the Stanley parable game,other than the appealing didactic ideas, is the use of interactive narration.

Internet Legend AnalysisCase study: The legend of Aicha Kandisha

In this essay, I will be examining the origin and evolution of Aicha Kandisha both as a legend and a historical figure. I will also study the role of belief and ostension in making this legend the most popular legend in north Africa. The role that Digital Media, andin particular YouTubevideos and films played in spreading the legend of Aicha Kandisha outside north Africa to the middle east.

Adventure Games Analysis

Case study: I have no Mouth & I must Scream

How does the environmental storytelling drive the game by triggering the characters' memories and reflecting aspects of the past lives and stories?What role does the voice narration plays in communicating important information tothe players?

NaNoGenMo and Text Generation

In this essay, I will be discussing the Never-ending Soap Opera by Bilge Kimyonok. A 50000 words long soap-opera scenario with never-ending drama and surprises in dialogues. I find this generated work interesting because of its satirical comment on the dramatic aspect of soap Operas.

The use of Forms and Colors in “La planète Sauvage” to convey a feeling of the Uncanny.

“La planète Sauvage” has one of the most provocative visual stylesin the history of animation films. Alongside of a soundtrack as stunning as the visuals if not more.Made in 1973, based on a science fiction novel entitled “Oms en série” written by the French writer Stefan Wul. Directed by the Andre Laloux and the surrealistPainterRoland Topor (Polish/ French ),co-creator of the panic movement. And last but not least, Alain Goraguer French composer of the psychedelicpunkprogressivesoundtrack.

Game AnalysisCase study: Apotheon & Never Alone

In this essay, I will show how the reimagination of the Greek myths in Apotheonpresents a new perspective on the cultural and political values of Greek society. How myths in Never Aloneareused to reinforce cultural values. I will also contrast elements that represent Religious Beliefs and Practices in both games, as well as elements that highlight how both games are creatively adapting the MythicWorld.

How does the game within a game aspect in Creatures such as we raise questions on the influence of fiction on reality and moral complicity?

Interactive fiction is the result of merging a story with a computer program through interactivity; The player can both read through the narrative and interact with it at the same time. Interactive fiction could be constructed of different elements based on designers' choices, but most of IF deals with the same type of design challenges that the programmers deal with in different ways. Such as; how will the user learn about the story? Is it through user/ character perspective? What are his/Her/Their observations of the surrounding environment? How will the user engage with the narrative( Multiple answer questions, Parser...)? What is the environment in which the narrative exists? Is it a physical or a non-physical place? Maybe, a thought? Also What is the interface used to tell a story? Is it only text-based? Does it include images/Graphics/ Sound, etc..

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